Divorce Consulting Services

I offer comprehensive divorce consulting services to guide clients through the complexities of the divorce process to achieve better divorce outcomes for themselves and their families. Regardless of where you are in your divorce journey, I will guide you toward solutions that prioritize your goals and help you explore alternative dispute resolution methods where appropriate.

My approach is centered on understanding each client’s unique circumstances and goals and then developing a tailored strategy to achieve their objectives. I am guided by the principles of the Consilium® Process, a unique seven-step process that ensures a holistic and empowering experience for those navigating the challenges of divorce.

I can be engaged by either individuals or couples for consulting services. When engaged by an individual, my role is that of a counselor and advocate. When engaged by a couple, I act as a neutral for both parties, informing them of the law but not advocating on behalf of either party or their positions.

Although investing in divorce consulting services may seem significant, clients often find that the returns far outweigh the costs. By engaging a consultant, you can make the divorce process more efficient so it better fits your needs and goals, leading to more favorable outcomes and a more manageable experience overall.

Standard Divorce Consulting Services

My standard divorce consulting services provide clients with the guidance, support, and resources they need to navigate the divorce process effectively. During the consulting sessions, I work closely with clients to assess their individual situations, identify their goals and concerns, and develop a personalized plan of action. This may include educating clients about the legal process, explaining their rights and obligations under the law, and helping them understand the potential outcomes of different approaches to their divorce. I provide thoughtful and informed guidance on co-parenting issues and can help clients develop a parenting plan that prioritizes the best interests of their children. Additionally, I offer emotional support and resources to help clients manage the stress and challenges associated with the divorce process.

Standard divorce consultations are offered in 90-minute sessions for a flat fee.

Concierge Consilium® Divorce Consulting Service

In addition to my standard divorce consulting services, I also offer concierge Consilium® divorce consulting services for clients who desire a more comprehensive and ongoing level of support throughout their divorce process. This premium service is billed as a one-time fixed payment based on a detailed engagement agreement that delineates the concierge consulting services that will be provided to you throughout your divorce matter.

By opting for the concierge Consilium® divorce consulting service, you will benefit from having a dedicated consultant who will work closely with you throughout your matter to define your goals, educate you about the legal process, assist you in choosing legal counsel, and ensure that your chosen legal representation remains aligned with your objectives. I will remain involved through regular check-ins with you and your counsel, ensuring that you feel fully supported, informed, and confident that the legal process is moving in alignment with your goals.

As part of the concierge Consilium® divorce consulting service, I will also prepare a detailed legal, financial, and psycho-social analysis of your case. This analysis may be shared with lawyers chosen for you to interview, ensuring that you have access to attorneys who are well-suited to your specific needs and goals. It is a valuable and practical tool for you and your prospective counsel during both the interview process and the divorce process. The analysis is often utilized by the client’s counsel as the basis for pleadings, memoranda, and positional statements in the divorce matter, making the consulting work more valuable, usable, and efficient.

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Services

In addition to divorce consulting services, I offer both consulting and mediation services related to prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. I help couples understand the benefits, limitations, and legal implications of these agreements, and facilitate open and productive communication to help them reach mutually acceptable terms. My services also help clients identify the right counsel to represent them individually in these matters. Following mediation on these issues, I can also draft a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement for review by the parties’ respective attorneys.

Second Opinion Services

For clients seeking a second opinion on their current divorce proceedings, I offer confidential, objective assessments and recommendations based on my extensive experience as a family law attorney. I can review your case, including, if applicable, all relevant legal documents and court filings, to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your position. I will identify any potential issues or areas of concern and provide recommendations for moving forward with your divorce. Whether you are seeking confirmation that you are on the right track or need guidance on alternate strategies, my second opinion services can provide the clarity and confidence you need to make informed decisions during this challenging time. My assessments are always non-biased, as I do not represent clients in contested litigation proceedings and do not serve as successor counsel.

Mediation & Conciliation Services

For couples who want to avoid the stress, expense, and often adversarial nature of traditional divorce litigation, I offer divorce mediation and conciliation services. These services are not mutually exclusive and can often be used together to resolve disputes out of court, in a process which is often referred to as “evaluative mediation.”

As a skilled mediator and conciliator, I help couples resolve their differences and reach agreements on key issues such as property division, alimony, child custody, parenting plans, and financial support in a collaborative and non-adversarial setting. The benefits of processes such as mediation and conciliation include, among other things, fostering a cordial relationship with your co-parent, minimizing the emotional and financial costs of divorce, resolving disputes efficiently in a confidential manner, teaching communication and conflict resolution skills, and restructuring your family peacefully to two-household family.

Mediation Services

Divorce mediation is a voluntary, non-adversarial process where you and your spouse work together with a neutral mediator to reach mutually agreeable solutions. As a divorce mediator, I facilitate open communication and problem-solving between you and your partner. I do not represent either party or make decisions for you, but rather guide your discussions and provide legal information to help you reach a fair agreement on all aspects of divorce, including division of assets, alimony, child custody, parenting plans and child support.

By choosing mediation, couples can maintain control over the outcome of their divorce while avoiding the stress, expense, and uncertainty of litigation. I provide a neutral, supportive environment where both parties can express their needs and concerns, working together to create a fair and equitable agreement.

Conciliation Services

Conciliation is a process in which I, as a neutral conciliator, assist you and your spouse in settling your divorce case by clarifying the issues and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each side’s position. This process is particularly beneficial when you are already engaged in contested litigation or when you are unable to arrive at a settlement on your own. Like mediation, conciliation sessions are confidential and non-binding, providing a safe space for open dialogue and problem-solving.